Humorous and humble, serious and sublime, these lean essays offer a glimpse behind the surgical drape to show what it’s like to be a cancer surgeon over the course of a long, rewarding career. From Campbell’s first invitation into the “inner sanctorum” of the O.R. as a nurse’s aide while in college, through tender interactions with patients, to his projections about the profession when he is long gone, this smart, sensitive surgeon illustrates how doctors can listen to, care for, and learn from their patients. He courageously goes to the “hard places” as well as sharing those special moments that make it all worthwhile. Early in the collection, Campbell writes, “Besides being a surgeon, I am also a human being.” This beautiful book is about both.
—Kim Suhr, MFA, author of Nothing to Lose; Director of Red Oak Writing

From Dr. Campbell:
A Fullness of Uncertain Significance would never have made it to the finish line without the many talents of Kim Suhr. I joined Red Oak Writing, of which she is the director, at the point when I was just starting to think about compiling essays into a book. I met many of the "Red Oak Folk," whose experiences shaped my own, whose honest critiques of my writing served to improve my work, and whose own writing inspired me. Kim also agreed to facilitate a writers group, The Moving Pens, on the Medical College of Wisconsin campus that helped me shape new work and pushed me to complete the publishing journey.
Kim read the collection when it was ready for the first edits. She gave me advice based on her own publishing experience. When it was time, she encouraged me to contact Shannon Ishizaki at Ten16 Press. She has been supportive at every step.
Asking her to be one of my advance readers was a no-brainer! She is a gem.
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