This week's launch activities were wonderful.
The in-person launch on Tuesday, 9/28/2021 was a delight. About ninety wonderful friends, colleagues, writers, residents, and family gathred for a gorgeous evening on the patio at City Light Brewing Company in Milwaukee. Sean Malone asked great questions. I connected with so many people! It was heart warming. Even my grandson seemed to have fun! We did record the event, so I might be able to make it available.

The virtual Zoom launch on Wednesday, 9/29/2021, was also great. Jenna Zerbel and I had a conversation, and Shannon Ishizaki fielded questions from the 42 participants. A recording should be available soon.
I loved the interaction. Reading a few of my essays was delightful. The hard ones will always be hard.
The adventure continues. Now that the excitement of the launches is in the past, I will try to connect with media outlets, colleagues, and anyone who might be interested in helping bring the book to a wider audience. I have pitches out to a couple of national NPR news shows. Here's hoping that I can connect with the nice people at NPR, WHYY, WUWM, WNYC, and MPR.
I received my first podcast invitation today!
Reaching a wider audience might not happen; I know that. But, if it does, it will do so - not because the book is a particularly worthy literary effort - but because the right person talked to the other right person and brought it to their attention. Here's to our networks.
A Fullness of Uncertain Significance: Stories of Surgery, Clarity, and Grace
Options for ordering the book:
You can also order from a great independent bookstore, for example: Brookline Booksmith, Prairie Lights, Books & Company,The Strand, or Boswell Book Company
